Indian Society for Agricultural Statistics
Technical Address
S.No Conf No Topic Speaker Publication
    1     6     The Wider Aspects of Statistics     F. Yates     05 (02) 1953
    2     7     The Agricultural Situation in the Far East     P.S. Lokanathan     06 (01) 1954
    3     8     Statistics in Investigations in Animal Production     J.L. Lush     07 (1&2) 1955
    4     9     Agricultural Statistics in relation to Planning     P.C. Mahalanobis     08 (1&2) 1956
    5     10     The use of the Concept of Power in Agricultural Experimentation     J. Neyman     09 (01) 1957
    6     11     The Role of Statistics in Experimental and Natural Sciences     C.V. Raman     ---
    7     12     Statistics for Agricultural Planning Developments in Agricultural Statistics during the last 15 years     P.V. Sukhatme     11(1&2) 1959
    8     13     Planning for Agricultural Development in India     D.R. Gadgil     12 (01) 1960
    9     14     Agricultural Statistics, requirement of users     P.S. Lokanathan     13 (1&2) 1961
    10     15     Agrarian Reforms     D.G. Karve     14 (1&2) 1962
    11     16     Population on the Land in the 1961 Census of Population     Ashok Mitra     15 (1&2) 1963
    12     17     ........................          
    13     18     Population and Food Supply     V.G. Panse     18 (01) 1966
    14     19     Principles and Problems of Agricultural Price Determination     M.L. Dantwala     18 (01) 1966
    15     20     Growth and Instability in Indian Agriculture     S.R. Sen     19 (01)1967
    16     21     Some Statistics Problems relating to Agricultural Sector     B. Ramamurti     20 (01) 1968
    17     22     Recent Advances in Discriminatory Analysis     C.R. Rao     21 (01) 1969
    18     23     Statistics, the Computer and Our Modern Society     Carl F. Kossack     22 (01) 1970
    19     24     Some Thinking on Statistical Training and Research in India     P.K. Bose     23 (01) 1971
    20     25     Growth and Imbalance in Indian Agriculture     Dharam Narain     24 (01) 1972
    21     26     Population Growth and Agricultural Development in India     A. Chandrasekhar     25 (01) 1973
    22     27     Population Growth and Economic Development     S. Chakravarty     26 (01) 1974
    23     28     Agricultural Development: The Nutritional Dimension     C. Gopalan     ---
    24     29     New Challenges in the Development in Indian Fisheries     N.K. Pannikkar     27 (02) 1975
    25     30     Quality Seeds in India: Problems, Prospects and Possibilities     D.P. Singh     29 (01) 1977
    26     31     Statistical Design of Agricultural Experiments     J.N. Srivastava     30 (01) 1978
    27     32     International Agricultural Statistics: Some Aspects of its Growth, Problems and Prospects     R.D. Narain     30 (02) 1978
    28     33     Some Thoughts on Statistical Inference about Finite Populations     G.R. Seth     32 (01) 1980
    29     34     Agricultural Statistics and National Income Estimates     K.C. Seal     32 (03) 1980
    30     35     Experimental Design in Agricultural and Animal     K. Kishen     34 (01) 1982
    31     36     Statistics for the Indian Agrarian System     B.P. Adhikari     35 (01) 1983
    32     37     What Next in Indian Agricultural Statistics ?     S.R. Sen     35 (03) 1983
    33     38     The Role of Maximum-entropy and Minimum Discrimination Information Principles in Statistics     J.N. Kapur     36 (03) 1984
    34     39     Statistics in relation to Rural Development Planning     D. Singh     38 (01) 1986
    35     40     Foodgrains Production under Irrigated Conditions - Some Reflections     A.B. Joshi     38 (03) 1986
    36     41     Standardization and Quality Control in Agricultural Sector - An Integrated Approach     B.N. Singh     39 (03) 1987
    37     42     Foodgrain Production and Consumption, Targets, Achievements and Data Needs     J.S. Sarma     41 (01) 1989
    38     43     Development Trends in Agricultural Statistics     M.N. Murthy     42 (01) 1990
    39     44     Computer Intensive Methods in Agricultural Statistics     J.S. Rustagi     42 (03) 1990
    40     45     Regression Post Mortem     S.K. Mitra     43 (03 )1991
    41     46     Statistics for Rural Development - An Agenda for the Nineties     V.R. Rao     45 (01) 1993
    42     47     Statistical Science in Agricultural Research and Development     Prem Narain     46 (01) 1994
    43     48     On the Use of Spatial Information in the Analysis of Field Experiments     G.K. Shukla     46 (03) 1994
    44     49     The Applied Statistician     T.V. Hanurav     48 (01) 1996
    45     50     Some Current Topics in Sample Survey Theory     J.N.K. Rao     48 (03) 1998
    46     51     Poverty Measurement: Rationale and Relevance     Padam Singh     50 (03) 1997
    47     52     Agricultural Sample Surveys in India: Methodological Issues     Bal B.P.S. Goel     52 (01) 1999
    48     53     Use of Statistics and Computer for Agricultural Research and Development     M.N. Das     52 (03) 1999
    49     54     Agricultural Statistics and Appraisal of Employment in Rural Areas - Some Issues     B.N. Tyagi     53 (03) 2000
    50     55     Optimal Designs for Diallel Crosses     Aloke Dey     55 (01) 2002
    51     56     Work Opportunities for India Labour Force - Recent Knowledge and Thinking     N.S. Sastry     55 (03) 2002
    52     57     Development of Indian Forestry and Tasks Ahead     K.C. Raut     58 (01) 2004
    53     58     Contribution of the National Sample Survey to Indian Agricultural Statistics     S. Ray     59 (01) 2005
    54     59     ICT as Tool for Information, Knowledge Management and Intelligence     S.D. Sharma     60 (01) 2006
    55     60     Has Statistics a Future ? If So in what Form?     C.R. Rao     61 (02) 2007
    56     61     Orthogonal Arrays and their Applications     V.K. Gupta     62 (01) 2008
    57     62     Some Aspects of Estimating Poverty at Small Area Level     A.K. Srivastava     63 (01) 2009
    58     63     Growth of Quantitative Genetics and Estimation of Genetic Parameters     V.K. Bhatia     ...
    59     64     Statistics and Inclusive Growth     A.K. Nigam     ...
    60     65     Some Nonlinear Time-Series Models and their Applications     Prajneshu     ...
    61     66     Statistical Analysis of Data from Quantitative High Throughput Screening Assays (qHTS) - Methods and Challenges     Shyamal D. Peddada     ...
    62     67     Statistical Research Issues in Crop and Cropping System Experiments for Enhancing Food Security Support     Murari Singh     ...
    63     68     Big Data and Analytics and Some Cautionary Remarks on the History of Statistics     J.K. Ghosh     ...
    64     69     ...     Sat Gupta     ...
    65     70     ...     David Bergvinson     ...
    66     71     ...     Mukesh Srivastava     ...
    67     72     ...     N.S. Rathore     ...

Total number of visits: 5238