The Society was formed on the 3rd of January, 1947 at a meeting of Statisticians and other agricultural workers who had gathered together in Delhi on the occasion of the 34th Session of Indian Science Congress. The following Resolution was unanimously adopted. Resolved that a Society be formed called the 'Indian Society of Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Statistics' for promoting the study of, and research in, Statistics relating to these subjects. During the year when the Executive Council met, it recommended that the name of the Society be shortened by the deletion of the words 'and Animal Husbandry'. Subsequently the General Body adopted it. Since then the Society was named Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics. The Society was registered (during 1948-49) under the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860. It is worth mentioning the background about the formation of the Society before 1947. At the invitation of Sir C.V. Raman, the then President of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Agricultural Statisticians from different parts of India and particularly from the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) and the Institute of Plant Industry, Indore attended the Academy meeting at Udaipur in 1945. Dr. Raman advised that Agricultural Statisticians should meet separately to discuss problems of mutual interest. Accordingly they had their first informal meeting at Udaipur. In the following year (i.e. 1946) a meeting was held at Allahabad again under the auspices of the Indian Academy of Sciences. At this meeting, grew a desire to form a scientific society for the promotion of study and research in Agricultural Statistics as well as for exchange of views and pooling up of experiences. There was, of course, the Indian Statistical Institute doing valuable work for promoting the cause of Statistics in general, but it was considered, as advised by Sir C.V. Raman, that the time had come when workers in the field of agriculture in which Statistics had made the largest contribution so far should knit themselves together more closely to discuss their own special problems.
Apart from providing a common platform for Statisticians and agricultural
workers to come together, and discuss their problems, such a Society, it
was felt, would provide an opportunity for publishing in one place all
contributions on agricultural statistics which, for lack of facilities,
had hitherto been scattered in different journals. Such a society would
also serve to focus the attention of the Government and the public on
the scope and importance of statistical studies and research in
agriculture. The group then approached Mr. M.S. Randhawa,
formerly Secretary, CAR and the then Deputy Commissioner, Delhi who
warmly supported the idea of forming a society and publishing a Journal.
He also agreed to render all assistance for the purpose. Accordingly,
the Society was inaugurated on the 3rd of January, 1947. The Society had
the good fortune to have the Hon'ble Dr. Rajendra Prasad, the
then Minister for Food and Agriculture, Government of India as its
Founder President.
The aims and objectives of the Society are published and brought to the notice of all members incorporating the modifications and amendments in the rules as and when necessary. These are reproduced below : The objectives of the Society shall be to promote the study of and research in statistics and applications thereof to Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Agricultural Economics and allied subjects, by :
Attempt is now made to have a critical appraisal of the activities and achievements of the Society with special reference to its research and other related aspects.
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