Indian Society for Agricultural Statistics
Special Lectures
S.No Conf No Topic Speaker Year
    1     2     Some aspects of grading and standardisation of agricultural products in India     T.G. Shirname   1948  
    2     3     Science in the countryside     C.V. Raman   1949  
    3     3     Numismatics as a science     D.D. Kosambi   1949  
    4     4     Uses of metals     S.S. Bhatnagar   1950  
    5     5     Why is Statistics so useful ?     C.H.C. Tippett   1951  
    6     6     Statistician in Agriculture     Frank Yates   1953  
    7     8     Influence of agronomic investigations on the science of statistics     John Wishart   1954  
    8     9     Agriculture and Second Five Year Plan     V.K.R.V. Rao   1956  
    9     10     California studies of effectiveness of artificial rain making     J. Neyman   1957  
    10     11     A practical approach to our food problem     V. Subrahmanyam   1958  
    11     13     Cooperative Farming     D.G. Karve   1960  
    12     13     Nutrimetrix and diet in Maharashtra     P.V. Sukhatme   1960  
    13     14     India's problem of hunger and future needs in food supplies     P.V. Sukhatme   1961  
    14     15     Crop Insurance and agricultural reconstruction     T. Yamauchi   1961  
    15     15     Planning for agriculture     V.G. Panse   1961  
    16     15     Need for re-orienting plan for food production     P.V. Sukhatme   1961  
    17     17     Role of sample surveys in development planning in Mexico     Miss Anna Maria Flores   1964  
    18     24     Agricultural Labour in Tamil Nadu     Smt. S.S. Muthu   1970  
    19     25     Nutritional allowances, their meaning, use and abuse     P.V. Sukhatme   1972  
    20     28     Optimal factorial designs in agricultural experimentation     J.N. Srivastava   1974  
    21     29     Statistical Outliers     M.L. Tiku   1975  
    22     30     Search Designs     J.N. Srivastava   1976  
    23     31     Multiple frame surveys and applications     H.O. Hartley   1977  
    24     32     Agricultural production in India, progress and problems     M.S. Randhawa   1978  
    25     36     Exact efficiency of some robust estimators in sample survey     M.L. Tiku   1983  
    26     39     NOT AVAILABLE     Jaya Srivastava   1985  
    27     44     Environmental considerations in agricultural planning in India - agroclimatic planning and land and water development     Y.K. Alagh   1990  
    28     46     Why then are our children so small ?     P.V. Sukhatme   1993  
    29     47     Agricultural statistics vis-a-vis statistics     D. Raghava Rao   1993  
    30     50     GISTNIC Public Data base service of NICNET     C.S.R. Prabhu   1996  
    31     50     Efficient algorthims to provide computer ready-made to facilitate agricultural experimentation and research     M.N. Das   1996  
    32     58     Crossover Designs     Aloke Dey   2005  

Total number of visits: 5239