Indian Society for Agricultural Statistics
Dr. V.G. Panse Memorial Lectures
S.No Topic Speaker Publication
    1     Malnutrition in India     P.V. Sukhatme     Vol. 25(2), 1973
    2     New Challenges before the  Indian Agriculture     V.K.R.V. Rao     Vol. 26(1),1974
    3     Design of experiments for estimation of increased crop yield due to their  bee-pollination     G.B. Deodikar     Vol. 27(1),1975
    4     A historical perspective of the recent  development in the theory of sampling     V. P. Godambe     Vol. 28(1),1976
    5     Mainsprings of agricultural growth in India     V.S. Vyas     Vol. 29(2),1977
    6     Project formulation: need for a database     P.K. Mukherjee     Vol. 31(1),1979
    7     Agricultural growth: Changing  research and data needs for effective policy     John W. Mellor     Vol. 32(1),1980
    8     Agricultural growth in India and South East Asia: comparative growth performance     R.N. Poduwal     Vol. 33(2),1981
    9     The agrarian prospects in India     Manmohan Singh     Vol. 36(3),1984
    10     Tables and diagrams: Will they help or hinder     D.J. Finney     Vol. 38(1), 986
    11     Role of standardization in the agricultural development of India     B.N. Singh     Vol. 38(3),1986
    12     Teaching of Statistics and statistical consulting     J.S. Rustagi     Vol. 39(2),1987
    13     Biometry in frontier sciences     B.R. Murty     Vol. 41(3),1989
    14     Issues and themes in growth of  fertilizer use in India: an agenda for further research and future policies     Gunvant M. Desai     Vol. 43(1),1991
    15     Energy strategies and population problem in India     P.K. Bose     Vol. 46(1),1994
    16     Area, output and yield of coconut trees in Kerala     K.N. Raj     Vol. 47(1), 1995
    17     How much of our foodgrain is fed to livestock and poultry     J.S. Sarma     Vol. 48(1), 1996
    18     Validity and reliability of statistical  procedures     G.R. Seth     Vol. 48(3), 1996
    19     Contributions of Statistics for Applied Research and National Development     M.N. Das     1997
    20     Rural Poverty     T.R. Puri     1998
    21     The status of Livestock Statistics in India     S.N. Mishra     1999
    22     Era of Information: Relevance of Basics in Statistics     Padam Singh     2000
    23     Agricultural Surveys in India ? some Thoughts     Bal B.P.S. Goel     2002
    24     Estimation of Crop Yields Revisited     Prem Narain     2002
    25     Consumption of Electric Energy in Agriculture: Some Facts     B.N. Tyagi     2004
    26     Quality Aspects of Crop Statistics in India ? Problems and Prospects     M. Neelakantan     2004
    27     Research priorities in livestock statistics     K.C. Raut     2005
    28     Understanding and combating undernutrition     A.K. Nigam     2006
    29     Small Area Estimation ? A Perspective and Some Applications     A.K. Srivastava     2007
    30     Thoughts on Some Applied Statistical Techniques Requiring Attention in Indian Agriculture     K.C. Seal     2008
    31     A Reflection on the Choice of Covariates in the Planning of Experimental Designs     Bikas K. Sinha     2009
    32     Multi-Response and Non-Traditional Experiments     S.P. Mukherjee     2010
    33     Recent Developments in Fractional Factorial Designs     Aloke Dey     2011
    34     Design and Analysis of Experiments for Crop Variety Trials: Current Approaches and Future Perspectives     Murari Singh     2012
    35     Looking into Measures of Consciousness     S.D. Sharma     2013
    36     Nature and Man: The Goal of Biosecurity in the Course of Rapid and Inevitable Human Development     Saumyadipta Pyne     2014
    37     Input-Output Transactions Tables at Regional Level     A.C. Kulshreshtha     2015
    38     N.A     K. Alagusundaram     2016
    39     N.A     N.A     N.A
    40     Changing Dynamics of Statistics in Health and Agricultural Research     M. Vishnu Vardhana Rao     2018
    41     Paradigm Shift in Agricultural Education to Meet Agriculture Revolution 4     R.C. Agrawal     2022

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