74th Annual Conference of ISAS
2-4 February 2024, NAU, Navsari, Gujrat, India

Harnessing Statistics and Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable and Smart Agriculture
In association with the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics (ISAS), the Department of Agricultural Statistics, N. M. College of Agriculture, Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari is organizing the 74th ISAS Annual Conference at Navsari, district of Gujarat, India, during February 02-04, 2024. The theme of the Conference is Harnessing Data, Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence for an Equitable and Sustainable Smart Agriculture. Smart agriculture is a rapidly growing field that aims to increase crop yields while minimizing environmental impact. Harnessing data, data analytics, and artificial intelligence (AI) is key to achieving this goal. By leveraging these technologies, farmers can make more informed decisions about planting, irrigation, fertilization, and pest control. This can lead to higher crop yields, lower costs, and reduced environmental impact. This can lead to new insights and innovations that further improve the sustainability and efficiency of smart agriculture. The Conference aims to bring together experts in the field of agriculture statistics and computer applications, data analytics and artificial intelligence to discuss the role of these technologies in promoting sustainable agriculture. The Conference will provide a platform for researchers, policymakers, and industry experts to share their knowledge and experiences in the field of agriculture. The Conference will help in identifying new opportunities for research and development in the field of agriculture. It will also help in identifying new ways to promote sustainable agriculture practices that are equitable and beneficial for all stakeholders involved. Overall, the Conference is an important step towards promoting sustainable agriculture practices that are essential for the future of our planet.


India is proud of its heritage eminent statisticians who contributed significantly to the welfare of the humanity in India and abroad. Due to their untiring efforts, Agricultural Statistics in the country stands on a fairly sound footing. Recognizing the efforts of statisticians and the importance of statistics in agricultural research, the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics was founded on January 03, 1947 with the then Agriculture Minister, Dr. Rajendra Prasad as its Founder President. Dr. Rajendra Prasad continued to preside over the activities of the Society for 16 years even after becoming the President of Republic of India. The basic objective of the Society has been to disseminate research conducted in Agricultural Statistics to meet the challenges in agricultural research in the country. As per the need to meet the challenges, Informatics along with Agricultural Statistics has also been encompassed in the ambit of the Society. The Society publishes "Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics" with ISSN 0019-6363 which serves as vehicle for the researchers in statistical sciences to disseminate their research work aimed at overall development of agriculture in the country. This is a unique journal that encourages applied research in Statistics with applications focussed at enhancing the quality of agricultural research.


On behalf of the Organizing Committee and Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics, New Delhi, you are invited to attend 74th Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics being organized by department of Agricultural Statistics, N. M. College of Agriculture, at Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari, Gujarat during February 2-4, 2024. Kindly confirm your participation by filling up the Registration form. For more details visit www.isas.org.in