Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics (ISAS) is a scientific society. Its aims are to promote the study of and research in Statistical Theory in the widest sense of the term and
its applications to Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Agricultural Economics and allied problems. Its membership is open to all persons and institutes interested in the aims of the Society.
"Towards excellence in research and education in Statistics and Information for enriching the quality of agriculture research ..."
In a moral point of view, the life of the agriculturist is the most pure and holy of any class of men pure, becuase it is the most healthful, and vice can hardly find time to contaminate it
and holy, because it brings the Deity perpetually before his view, giving him thereby the most exalted notions of supreme power, and the most fascinating and endearing view of moral benignity.
....By John Russell
The Society organizes annually a conference in different parts of the country. The invitations for
organizing such conferences are received from State Governments, universities and other
research organizations. It provides a wider platform for exchange of ideas. A total of 73 Annual
Conferences had so far been organized in different parts of the country. During each annual
conference, the Society organizes one or two symposia keeping in view the current national
interest as well as problems and interest in the region where the conference is organized.
Total number of visits: 5101